FlexPay now supports Direct Debit payment method for Purchase and One-Time subscriptions. Direct Debit payment method can be enabled in FlexPay options of your website. Continue reading
Revamped Control Center for resellers
We are pleased to announce that the long ignored Control Center for resellers has been updated. The new design follows the guidelines we have used for merchant’s Control Center. In fact these two are now merged into one, so if you have merchant account and you are reselling websites too, you no longer need to switch between the two.
The Resold Websites tab gives you access to the Commission overview report and there is also the list of resold websites and here you get their banners too.
We will add more features over time based on your feedback.
Update: We have added an option to download the statistical data grouped per website and date, including the number of clicks. The link can be found on the Commission overview page. Continue reading
Sales Overview filters
We have added a new and convenient way to apply filters to data in Sales Overview. You can apply Website, Currency and Payment method filters easily by using the tool on the top of the page.
Sales Overview revisited
Based on the feedback we have received since introducing the Sales Overview in Control Center we have just released a new redesigned version with additional drill down options.
All Sales Overview information is now available on a single page and can be filtered by website, payment method and sale currency. It is also much easier to select time periods for the report and to navigate along the timeline.
Company name on the credit card statements

FlexPay v3 API: Subscriptions and Purchases
Verotel FlexPay API allows dynamically set parameters for Verotel Order Pages. This is especially useful when integrating with eCommerce or other systems which use dynamic pricing.
Besides the already existing purchase sales, the new FlexPay API version 3 now offers a way to dynamically create subscriptions.
The main difference between purchases and subscriptions is that subscriptions have some duration – a time period – for which subscriptions are active while purchases are is just a simple one-off sales.
Website affiliates
The affiliates management has been moved to the Website details page.
The new Affiliates section shows the current “Default affiliate commission” value, the number of banners your website has, the number of affiliates reselling the website and gives you access to manage your affiliates setup.
FlexPay plugin for OpenCart 2.x available
An updated FlexPay plugin for the open source shopping cart system OpenCart is now available. OpenCart version 2.0 and higher is supported.
With this new plugin, Bitcoins will also be offered as a payment method if you have Bitcoin payments enabled in the FlexPay options of your website.
The new version of the FlexPay plugin for OpenCart is available in the OpenCart extensions repository here.
Authorized Agents – user roles in Control Center
Verotel customers often have different staff members performing different tasks in their Control Center: e.g. one person is managing website setup, another is looking after the sales. Also, often there are freelancers who work on various Verotel order page or FlexPay integrations for various Verotel customers.
With the introduction of Authorized Agents and roles
it is now possible to provide these users with their own credentials and restrict their access only to those areas of the system they need them to have access to.
Setup landing page after successful sale
It is now possible to configure the URL on the page which is displayed after a successful sale and to which the “Visit website” button leads to.
The URL can be configured in “Setup landing page after successful sale and for cancelled members” section of Membership website detail page. If not set the default, website URL, is used.