Setup landing page after successful sale

It is now possible to configure the URL on the page which is displayed after a successful sale and to which the “Visit website” button leads to.

The URL can be configured in “Setup landing page after successful sale and for cancelled members” section of Membership website detail page. If not set the default,  website URL, is used.successpage


Testing Cards and Website Testing Mode

Setting up and testing your website just got easier with testing credit cards and website testing mode:

Every merchant account now has a testing credit card:TestingCard

  • The testing credit card details are show on the Website details page
  • You can disable and enable the testing credit card yourself
  • You can use the card to perform testing transactions using order pages for any of your websites which are Authorized and also for those in testing mode (either Authorized or New)
  • If you need to replace your testing credit card, please contact 

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