Sale activity log

The sale detail now shows a log of events related to the sale. This will provide useful information about the events in our system and also provide a history of actions related to a given sale. The Activity log will make the processing actions more transparent and provide merchants with valuable troubleshooting information.


The log currently contains records of the following activities:

  • successful and failed postback posts ( RUM/FlexPay/NATS )
  • changes of user credentials
  • credit card updates
  • recurring membership cancellations
  • membership terminations
  • membership extensions
  • cancel discount acceptance
  • sending of transaction receipts

Please note: The activity log only contains data collected since September 12, 2013. For older sales the Activity log may appear empty or the list of events will be incomplete.

Orderpage options

Until now the parameters relevant to the appearance of Order pages (colors and logos) were managed on the same page where territory, shipping addresses, etc. were set.

In order to make this less confusing and to open the space for future features we have moved the settings  Shipping and billing address settings, Under-18 protection (For UK merchants only), Usercodes and Passcodes options, Sales territory selection to a new section named “Orderpage options” under the website details.



ATVOD Compliancy

UK-registered merchants please note:

ATVOD authority requires the providers of video on demand to follow their regulations  to ensure that under 18’s cannot normally access hardcore pornographic content“. 

In order to help our merchants to comply with the regulations, we have implemented a new functionality which allows UK-registered merchants to choose whether or not they will accept UK debit cards. (UK debit cards can be possessed by under 18’s.).

The new setting is available under the Orderpage options section in the Website detail page.


By default the option “Accept debit cards in United Kingdom” is selected.  Uncheck the setting in order to prevent sales using UK debit cards in order to comply with ATVOD.

Changing Usercodes

Another frequently requested feature is the ability to change the usercodes of your members. We are happy to let you know that this functionality was just released.

The usercode can now be updated in the “Sale detail”:chnageusercode

  • The usercode must be between 5-12 characters long and can contain only alphanumeric characters.
  • For backward compatibility, two RUM postbacks are sent:
    •  “Add” – To create a new user with the updated usercode (and identical passcode)
    • “Delete” – After the new user is successfully created, the old one is removed
  • The member is then notified by email about the credentials update.
  • Please note that members are now also notified when their passcodes are changed.

Testing Cards and Website Testing Mode

Setting up and testing your website just got easier with testing credit cards and website testing mode:

Every merchant account now has a testing credit card:TestingCard

  • The testing credit card details are show on the Website details page
  • You can disable and enable the testing credit card yourself
  • You can use the card to perform testing transactions using order pages for any of your websites which are Authorized and also for those in testing mode (either Authorized or New)
  • If you need to replace your testing credit card, please contact 

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Discount Option on Cancellation

When users decide to cancel their memberships, one way to change their minds is to offer them a discount if they decide to continue.


Now there is a way to do this easily with Verotel. All you need to do is configure the “Offer a discount to canceling members” option in the website detail. Here, you can set the discount ( allowed range of 10 – 50%)  which will be applied to the rebill price if the user decides to continue his/her membership.

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Sales Overview Report

Up until now, there was no overview report in the Control Center where you could easily review your processing volumes at a glance. The new Sales Overview report in the Sales section shows all the important information about your sales in a clear tabular and graphical form. 

SalesOverview_0 Besides the total processing volumes, information about the split between new sales and rebills is also shown, and the data can also be downloaded.

Redirect After Membership Cancel

Is there a way to bring back users who have just canceled their subscriptions? Once they cancel they are gone …

Not anymore!

The new cancel page, which now uses the same design as your Order Pages, can redirect users who wish to cancel their memberships to a URL of your choice. You can setup this URL so they are redirected to a page offering them your other products.

CancelLandingPageConfigure the “Landing page for cancelled members” on the Website detail page. If not configured, then by default users will be redirected to your website URL.

UPDATE:  Also, the “usercode”, “custom1”, “custom2”, “custom3” are passed to the landing page as a parameter for further use.