Updating Credit Card Information

The facility to allow current members to update their credit card details has been a long-standing request. Finally, this functionality is here!

With this feature, the number of members you lose because of an expired credit card will be reduced by giving the members a way to update their payment details before their subscriptions are affected.


Members whose credit cards are about to expire will receive emails notifying them that the next rebill will fail due to an expired credit card and giving them instructions on how to update their credit cards on our secure update page.

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Discount Option on Cancellation

When users decide to cancel their memberships, one way to change their minds is to offer them a discount if they decide to continue.


Now there is a way to do this easily with Verotel. All you need to do is configure the “Offer a discount to canceling members” option in the website detail. Here, you can set the discount ( allowed range of 10 – 50%)  which will be applied to the rebill price if the user decides to continue his/her membership.

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Redirect After Membership Cancel

Is there a way to bring back users who have just canceled their subscriptions? Once they cancel they are gone …

Not anymore!

The new cancel page, which now uses the same design as your Order Pages, can redirect users who wish to cancel their memberships to a URL of your choice. You can setup this URL so they are redirected to a page offering them your other products.

CancelLandingPageConfigure the “Landing page for cancelled members” on the Website detail page. If not configured, then by default users will be redirected to your website URL.

UPDATE:  Also, the “usercode”, “custom1”, “custom2”, “custom3” are passed to the landing page as a parameter for further use.