Sale activity log

The sale detail now shows a log of events related to the sale. This will provide useful information about the events in our system and also provide a history of actions related to a given sale. The Activity log will make the processing actions more transparent and provide merchants with valuable troubleshooting information.


The log currently contains records of the following activities:

  • successful and failed postback posts ( RUM/FlexPay/NATS )
  • changes of user credentials
  • credit card updates
  • recurring membership cancellations
  • membership terminations
  • membership extensions
  • cancel discount acceptance
  • sending of transaction receipts

Please note: The activity log only contains data collected since September 12, 2013. For older sales the Activity log may appear empty or the list of events will be incomplete.

Tip: Custom Credentials for Members

Did you know ?Did you know that you can let your customers choose their own Usercodes and Passcodes?

The user credentials can be automatically generated, or you can optionally allow customers to select their own. Or, you can require customers to select their own by making the custom credential fields mandatory.

You can configure this setting for memberships on the Order page setup page under the Website setup/Website detail section in the Control Center.