Declined Transactions Report

The latest update brings you a frequently requested feature: a report on declined transactions. This report is now available in the Sales section of the Control Center.

RecentDeclinesCroppedNow you have a tool to help you with following up on sales that, for some reason, were not processed successfully. It gives you the information you need to approach an unsuccessful buyer to recover a sale.

The report covers both new sales and rebills, and it even goes one step further — it shows whether an unsuccessful sale was recovered later (e.g. the buyer bought the subscription later with a different payment method).

Showing Recent Rebills in the Verotel Control Center

verotelContolcenterIn the Verotel Control Center you can manage your account, generate reports, and track your subscribers, invoices and payments.

Previously, we added a report listing the recent sales, i.e. the recent new subscribers. We have just added a new page showing the recent rebills (recurred transactions), to make it easier to track rebills. This report is now available in the Control Center in Sales > “Recent rebills” .

If you have any trouble locating this new feature, please contact for help.